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The heat is ON

10 tips to keep your pets safe when it's hot-hot-hot

It's the dog days of summer! Here are 10 vital tips to keeping your furry friends safe as the temperature rises.

  1. Never, ever leave your pet in the car. Even when the windows are open - even when you're parked in the shade - even with the car running and A/C on - on an 85⁰ day, the interior of your car can reach 102⁰ in just 10 minutes. And even if it's only 70⁰ outside, inside your car can be 90⁰, which is too hot when you're wearing a fur coat!
  2. Trim, don't shave, your dog - and brush your cat. Dogs need about an inch of fur to protect them from sunburn as well as from overheating. You can also use sunscreen - just be sure it's specifically made for animals. Brushing cats more during warm weather can help them from overheating.

  3. Remember: Humidity hurts. Animals pant to dehumidify themselves, so regardless of the temperature - when the humidity rises, they have difficulty cooling off. So even when it's only 70⁰, humidity can make it too hot for our furred friends.
  4. Watch for signs of overheating including excessive panting, drooling, and even the slightest sign of weakness. Know that overweight, elderly, or animals with short snouts (e.g., Pugs and Persian cats) are more susceptible to heat stroke. If you see one of these symptoms, move your pet into shade or A/C immediately, apply wrapped ice packs or run cool (not cold) water on him/her, allow him/her to lick ice cubes, and call a vet immediately.
  5. Keep water and shade accessible. Pets get dehydrated quickly; be sure they plenty of cool, clean water and a spot to go that's always shady when it's humid or hot out. Don't depend on a fan; they don't work on pets like they do us. And dog houses tend to be hotter, not cooler; use a tarp or big, shady trees instead.

    Cat at water fountain
  6. Ease up on the exercise. It's okay to cut down on the walks when the temperature soars. Also, you can change your exercise time to accommodate the weather (e.g., cooler in the early morning or evening) and carry a water bottle.
  7. Mind the paws. Hot asphalt can burn sensitive paw pads. And dogs sweat mostly through their feet! Keep them on the grass when walking, and keep them out of the back of your truck as the hot metal burns.
  8. Be careful around pools and lakes. Some dogs are great swimmers - others, not so. Play it safe with a floatation device and remember to rise the chlorine/salt off their fur when you're done.
  9. When it's really hot, keep them indoors. Ideally, with the windows closed and the air conditioning on!  If your windows are open, be sure the screens are secured - as many cats lean against them and fall out this time of year.
  10. Never leave your pet in the carIt bears repeating, as even a 70⁰ day can lead to fatal heat stroke. Please, don't let this happen to you or your pet. And if you see someone has left their pet in a hot car, please look for the owner, and call your local police or our rescue hotline at (734) 661-3512.

P.S. If you're going to the Ann Arbor Art fair, like by Lorrie Shaw, we suggest you leave your pets at home. They'll thank you for it!


Humane Society of Huron Valley


Mon-Weds: 11 am to 6 pm
Thurs-Friday: 11 am to 7 pm
Sat-Sun: 11 am to 5 pm


Mon-Fri: 9 am to 7 pm
(Surgery drop-off 8 am)
Saturday: 9 am to 4 pm
Call 734-662-4365 for appointment;
please, no walk-ins.


9 am to 5 pm, 7 days a week
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Intake Department prior to
coming in: 734-661-3528